Let's talk

Call me to book a free chat so I can help you not just survive but THRIVE through your separation

Welcome to your breakthrough

Hi I'm Lucy..... thank you for visiting my site. I'm here to empower you before, during or after a breakup or divorce and help you  move forwards.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

You might be feeling hurt, confused, heartbroken and not knowing where to turn.....That's OK, I understand the pain as I've been exactly where you are now, I know just how devastating it is. You do not have to go through the fear and uncertainty alone.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

I have some good news! There is a breakthrough waiting for you and I will guide you through the emotional rollercoaster to help you with the practical challenges you're facing and allow you to move forwards positively and to take back control of your life.  It is time for you to reclaim your happiness, joy and independence and get the clarity and calmness you need to navigate towards a fulfilling and happy life ahead.  This may be a golden opportunity to live life for YOU!                                             

               Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together              

Marilyn Monroe

About me

I am certified DIVORCE AND BREAK UP COACH with a passion for helping women and men have a calmer, clearer and emotionally healing experience through the difficulties of separation. I will help you get the clarity you need right now to move forwards and live your life. This is the beginning of  your personal transformation.

There's a step by step process I will lead you through and strategies for all stages of divorce, break up or if you are trying to save your relationship, so no matter where you are in your journey I can navigate your path much quicker and I 'm here to help you do that when you're ready.

Having been through a divorce I can identify with you and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience together with my empathic, non- judgemental approach.

After a long marriage the shock and heartbreak of my husband leaving me for someone else destroyed my life as I knew it. All my hopes and dreams for the future were shattered in an instant, it was suddenly me alone in my fifties . It was the most painful journey I have ever been on, suddenly my future was unknown and I would have to find a new way forwards.



But now I feel excited by the fact I can choose exactly what I would like to do and I can plan to live out my dreams that I had put on the back burner.

When I realised there were tools and strategies I could use to make myself feel better I wanted to share with others. My journey has worked for me so I want it to work for you too and get you back on your feet faster with my help.

I wasn’t going to allow divorce to define me and you shouldn't either I have found the old me again and I will help you find your inner strength.

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My comprehensive toolkit and strategies are the key to help you navigate the difficult journey through divorce and break up with calmness and clarity to enable you to take back control and begin to live your life.

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As a coach who has been through a divorce I can bring a wealth of knowledge and experience together with an empathetic, understanding and non-judgemental environment where you can share your inner emotional state with your deepest thoughts, emotions, worries, fears and frustrations to help you move through the process quicker and easier to be truly motivated to get the best possible outcome for you and your children.

One of the special tools I have to help you let go of the pain and allow you to become calm through the stress is through my guidance as a mindfulness and meditation practitioner I will help you find grace when under pressure and become the best self coach when you need it.

I will support you to break free and move forwards, giving you hope of a bright future and the freedom to enjoy the life you want to live.

Your Free Rescue Remedy

Download my free guide with some simple effective insights and strategies with tools to help you feel better NOW!

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