The impact on your brain from emotional turmoil is significant, you may not be able to think clearly or make the decisions and plans you could previously do so easily.


How you might be feeling

Do you feel as if you have total confusion in your head and it’s making you feel anxious so you can’t concentrate on anything or can’t think clearly? You may be feeling forgetful and struggling to keep up with all your usual daily tasks.


But, don’t worry it’s not you going crazy it’s actually impossible for you to think straight when you are emotionally stressed.


There is a reason and it’s been scientifically proven!


It’s true there really is a scientifically proven reason you can’t think straight – in fact it’s impossible to think straight or make any clear decisions if you are emotionally stressed.

That is Fact.


Why this is happening to you

The hippocampus/prefrontal cortex part of the brain, which is for memory, organization, logic and rationality that allows you to put things in order and plan, actually shrinks and goes ‘offline’.

Whereas the amygdala, the oldest part of the brain that is found in the limbic system and deals with emotions, memories and feelings goes ‘online’. This is actually our fear centre and is always on alert.


If there is a sense of danger an internal alarm will go off and the whole aim of the amygdala is to keep you safe at all costs and when activated it triggers an acute stress response. It puts you straight into fight or flight survival mode preparing your body to either fight to survive or flee to safety. This causes cortisol and adrenalin to pump around your body which may lead to increased heart rate, blood pressure and breathing, making you feel tense and twitchy and may lead to irrational confrontational could lead to a panic attack.


Things you can do to help


When you feel you are being activated you can do some techniques to calm you to allow to reduce your stress and allow the hippocampus/pre frontal cortex to activate to bring about rational logical thought.


1. Mindfulness is a good awareness discipline that helps you to control your responses and be aware of them happening.


2. Slow down your breathing and focus on the inhaling and exhaling, breathe in for a count of 4 and out for a longer count of 6 will help you regain control and let your body know you are breathing out for longer which signals that you are not feeling in danger.


3. Tapping is another way to gain control by crossing your arms and alternatively slowly tap one hand on opposite arm and this is called ‘butterfly tapping’ and you can do this for as long as is needed until you feel calmer.


If you are interested in learning more about how to cope with your emotions during divorce or break up then please do visit my website where I can help you through the emotional rollercoaster and give you practical skills to move forwards positively.

When you are ready, which might be right now, book a call so we can start your journey from heartbreak to happiness.

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