Do you have that feeling that you just can’t cope with everything that is happening to you at the moment? You just can’t seem to see a way forwards as it’s too overwhelming?


We have a tendency to cement difficult periods in our life like disconnected blocks but instead however difficult it all is it is part of the longer narrative and rollercoaster of life that constantly changes and gives us challenges and that way you’ll get more of a perspective and clarity to enable you to deal with the uncertainty.


So think of a great moment in your life, a exam result, new job, winning an event or competition, birth of a child anything momentous that you celebrated, sit with that feeling of joy for a moment and then see the whole story remember the worry or fear and anxiety that went before you reached that actual moment of pure joy.


Separation brings up those feelings that you have felt and dealt with before but just in a different possibly more intense way , but you must remember you coped before and you will cope again, this challenging time will pass and it may even be the beginning of a new opportunity and future of happiness.


So when you get that feeling of overwhelm take a moment to look in your own rear view mirror and find some gratitude for all the hard work or worry that you have been through to get to the good times in your life and that way your suffering and gratitude will start to get closer and the intensity of your fear of the moment will start to get less.


I hope this has helped you a little and please feel free to look at my website for more tools and strategies to help you through your journey at this difficult time.

When you are ready, which might be right now, book a call so we can start your journey from heartbreak to happiness.

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