Do you feel you are about to lose everything that means so much to you?


But what if you could see that differently and feel grateful and not fearful?


Did you know that the main cause of fear is attachment and the cure of fear is detachment. Now that may sound extreme and impossible to try to achieve and you may ask why should I want to detach myself my things I enjoy?


But at this time might be exactly the right time to think about this and help you get a different perspective on your life by auditing your attachments:


What are you afraid of losing?

What are you afraid of losing internally?


This combined list will be your deepest fears of things you don’t want to lose.

But why don’t you think differently about them and try to change your relationship with these things so you don’t feel so attached to them?

Think of when you go on holiday and rent a villa or car or staying in a hotel you know it’s only for short time and you’re not worrying form day one of leaving it behind instead you value and enjoy every moment of that precious time.


You can still fully love things with detachment it just means you understand and accept that everything in life is temporary but you still appreciate and love these things that enhance your life but when you start to realise you don’t actually own or control any of these things they are all borrowed, even the wealthiest person is only borrowing things during his lifetime you will then be able to enjoy and value things and people in your life so much more and seen as a wonderful bonus and this will allow you to be more thoughtful of the choices you make in life.


If this has resonated with you then please do have a look at my website as I have lots of ways to help you through this difficult time for you.


When you are ready, which might be right now, book a call so we can start your journey from heartbreak to happiness.

1 Comment

  1. Mark on September 10, 2022 at 6:27 pm

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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