You’re going through the second most challenging and stressful life event after the death of a loved one. When that stress strikes, you really need to reduce the impact on your mental health and your body. Divorce or separation is sadly not a quick problem to solve and quite often it’s a long journey ahead lasting months or even years so it’s important to take action to prepare and protect yourself ready for the journey ahead.


How a coach can help you:


1.    You need all the help and support you can get through this traumatic time and although your family and friends are there for you and on your side, they are emotionally involved and often unintentionally may increase your anguish and anger. Someone not emotionally involved can help you find some perspective.


2.    A coach will be non judgmental and give you a safe, calm place to gain clarity at a time when you need a clear mind to make the right life changing decisions.


3.    It’s reassuring to have someone supporting you who has first hand knowledge of a divorce and knows what you need to do to make you feel better. You are stepping into an unknown world with many challenges, emotional, legal and practical all at once, someone who understands the process is invaluable.


4.    Everyone will have an opinion or different views on what you should do. You may be immediately bombarded with questions, asking where you will live or what you will do, overwhelming you with emotion and confusion. A coach will help to allow you to become self-aware and decide exactly what you want to do for yourself.


5.    There is a place for therapy, but with coaching you only tell your story once and you don’t get stuck in the past or going over painful events. Coaching is about you and your journey forwards so you can move on much more quickly to a more positive place.


6.    Mental resilience is the key in helping you successfully navigate your way through the challenging divorce process. You’ll be in a high state of anxiety and not able to think straight with the emotional rollercoaster. Having someone by your side who will build up your resilience, giving you the tools and techniques to help you though the long game will prevent you from being overwhelmed by the experience.


7.    Legal fees are expensive and your lawyer is not your therapist or coach. You will make significant savings by having a coach who will give you the support and clarity you need to be able to navigate the process.

When you are ready, which might be right now, book a call so we can start your journey from heartbreak to happiness.

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